Wednesday, December 8, 2010

catastophic events and a watery grave

WoW CATA Special Edition Tome
Lets start this off in an odd way. I sent my dad to a watery gave on WoW lol. So yeah my dad sat on the boat heading to the new content in WoW with the warning of what they call phasing taking place with the new content. So with that said lets go, Okay so to day is the start of Day 2 of WOW Cataclysm. I'll admit I didn't do the digital download because D.D. is for chickens and people who don't wanna try to have a life or show that they got balls to sit out in the could. ... sorry about that with out warning. Any how moving on, So we'll start on the out side and work our way down in to the core of the product. So i preordered 2 copies of the special edition of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. The out side of the box you would swear that you bought a tome and not a game. So i get the tomes home from Gamestop and see whats in them after admiring the great epicness that is WoW and Blizzard.

The Tome of WoW: Cata
So upon taking the shrink wrap off I find the casing to be 2 parts and not a book. Part 1 was just the cover for the main holder and part 2 was the main container it self. So from there I go and open the first thing covering a majority of the container witch is the WoW Cata Art book. Upon opening the plastic wrap i was just amazed by the smell of the newness of it all and then as I turn in to the book I was just floored by the art. The colors and lines and well the art giving life to new parts of Azeroth was just amazing on a scale of 1 to 5, the art book it self gets a 6 it was just that great. Next item in the package was a mouse pad that has the cutest mug any mother would love.... errr I mean that any dragon kin mother would love, So yeah the Deathwing art for the mouse pad was amazing on its own and ill scan it and post links to pics for this stuff later. Next up on upon inspection inside of the box there where 3 parts top left was a music CD top right was a deck of cards and on the bottom was the game and behind the scenes of WoW Cata.

So I'll start off with the CD and well the CD is about 17 tracks and a good hour or 2 maybe more wasnt paying attention to the time, I was to busy trying to figure out how not to drown in the game and keep on moving. So as for the music its all the new sound tracks that are in use on the game. But I must say it was great to listen to knowing its all background music. So as my rating on its about 3 of 5. Its a nice bonus to get for the collectors who wanna collect and wanna have the music of the world with them every where they go. Next up is the deck of cards I'll say this right now I do play t.c.g. (trading card game) but I don't play the WoW t.c.g. and i have no plans on opening the deck to see what the cards are in it.

As for the final part of the all you see is a DVD case but upon pulling out the DVD case you find yet another DVD. So the first DVD is the game upgrade Cataclysm. So what it does is just unlocks all the new areas and content. Right now I'm working on the new content so the review for it will be up on a later date. Then as for the 2nd DVD case it is a movie that show the guys who work on the game and tells you just how the game is pulled together and made for the most part. so on a scale for the DVDs I give the movie at least a 4 of 5 and then I cant just rate the game just yet as for both me and my dad are still playing it. But I can say this it looks great even with my low graphic settings. One last detail be for I forget the game does come with a mini pet and its a Mini Deathwing. Hes cute I just have yet to see the animations for him .... lol

The Game this far:
Dont read past this if you dont want to read or deal with a spoiler. ...... .... ... you have been warned. ... ... ... ... .....
Ok so WoW Cata as an alternate opening for starts you can now pick from Goblin and Worgen.
Now both races have there ups and downs I must say. So thats option 1 for the start. Option 2 is you take preexisting character witch lets all hope would have already been 80 because thats the minimum level i know you need to be to get in to the new areas. Ok so as you enter StormWind the capital city for the human and the biggest city for the Alliance you get a complication from a member of the Earthen Ring who ask you to go visit him in the park area of SW (StormWind). He then give you a quest called Eye of the storm witch ask you to "per" in to the waters of far seeing. Upon doing so you see a video of an Orc and hear him speak trying to break the boundaries of the Alliance and Horde, and unite them as one faction to take on the most devastating force that Azeroth has ever seen. After this you head to SW harbor and take a boat to the new under water area and then get tossed off the boat and have the boat cap sized hint hint the watery grave i sent my dad to. But in all honesty its just a bunch of chain quests and kills under the water to start off the game. As for option 3 witch i have not dun you go to Mount Hyjil and quest out there but thats about all i know.

So thats it for this more will come when i find out more.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hello im Crimson Van Zero. I joined becuase well my i felt like it. So here I am in a nut shell. Like i said im Crimson or Crim for short, my hobbies are the following anime, drawing , manga, cosplay, video games, and friends if they ever wanna hang out also one last thing i cant forget im in to Tokusatsu. As for things i wanna learn i would like to know how to speak Japanese, would also like to learn how to draw human figures better, then also would like how to learn to use photoshop 7.0 better. As for animes, manga and Tokusatsu shows that i watch, Just like every one i know im watching and read both Bleach and Naruto other then that ill watch just about any thing Gundam. As for Tokusatsu im only in to Kamen Rider, but how ever i will watch super sentai but only for the mecha becuase i love robots and any thing that will GATTAI! So yeah as for art i love nudes, i think the female body is the best art on this planet weather it be covered in ink, some type of metal, or clothing, just plane normal skin. I also love girls who cosplay such as my current gf. So yeah other then that i also do draw robots im not that good but im still working on them and also main now focusing on humans of all things. As for cosplay i been in that sence high school, a female friend got me in to it and disappeared shortly after. As for my first cosplay its Kakashi i finaly was able to get some pics posted its still some thing that im working on and hope to get dun sooner or later. My 2nd cosplay is from the 2010 series Kamen Rider W and its Kamen Rider Skull but im giveing him a twist and makeing him more a masked hero then super powered armor, but i must say hes looking great i just hope to have him ready in time for a-kon21. Ok so yeah i dunno if theres any thing that i left out about me if there is plz feel free to ask me about any thing.