Friday, May 27, 2011

my look at the time

Well then look what we got here. Today I have several things to review and a few things to give my final thoughts on. Other then that i just wanna say sorry for not to many blogs here its not that i forget its just well im doing other things that take up my time daring the day. Ok so I'll start off with some thing major.

The world ends with you! WTF were still alive!?!?
Here this past Saturday 5/21/2011 was when the world was gonna end. But as we can all see we are still here. So the guy who said this is now claiming mathematical error, So now hes saying its gonna end 10/21/2011. So now with that said here is my thoughts on this. First off if the world where to end no one would be able to make phone call. Also computers, stop lights, atms, you name it would just be going crazy with static. Another thing is that you would be getting Earth quakes in places you normally wouldn't feel them. So that is just a few signs but then hell that could just be something in your normal every day life. Ok so moving on here to another part of this.
(note:here out is my personal opinion on the subject and can be taken at any level you like i just wanted to note that im not an expert on the subject.) Here is what I think should happen as of 10/22/2011 if we are still around (and i know we will be) the guy who tried now for a 3rd time (first time in 1994) should lose his rights to broadcast on the radio then also be locked up for crimes of trying to cause mass panic.

So then time to move on and ford to the next topic that I'm gonna have fun with.

"Count the metals 1 2 and 3! Life goes on Any things goes!" (opening lyrics Kamen Rider OOO Any thing Goes)
So i just gotta get this out of my system so Kamen Rider OOO, The series is in its final 15 episode stretch. So for the people who dont know Kamen Rider OOO is the 2010 2011 Kamen Rider and is the 12th Heisei era Rider. So here's how things work in the world of Kamen Rider OOO Eiji (main protagonist) puts on a belt buckle called the OOO or Ozu driver and then inserts 3 coins in to it and then takes the gold ring off the right side of the belt and scan the coins there for giving him a themed armor part. So now to the major focal point of the series, OOO's has 2 types of coins core medals and cell medals. Core medals represent 2 different things 1 is powers for a greed and the armor part OOOs gets. So right now OOO has about 8 forms meaning hes taken core medals from 8 different greeds. Now you might be wondering what the Greeds are yeah you thinking lust, gluttony, greed, and for the most part the 7 deadly sins of this world. Well the greeds feed upon them to make there core medals stronger by adding cell medals. Ok so then time for the story here. So 800 years befor the series starts an alchemist creates the greeds known as Ankh, Uva, Mezool, Gamel, Kazari. Then from my understand creates OOO later to help Ankh beat the other greeds. So the 4 greeds Uva Mezool Gamel and Kazari wanna take over the world and become kings but Ankh see things differently so he helps OOO in sealing away the 4 greeds but then in doing so Ankh gets sealed away too and so does OOO. 800 years pass then we meet Eiji a kid who worries about nothing and just wants to help every one out. So then late one night Eiji is working a guard job and put to sleep via the other 2 guards hes working (they turn out to be thieves wanting to rob the place) so while the 2 guards look around the don't notice a hand made of cell medals moving around and opening the box holding the greeds. So the greeds are set free to roam and attack the world yet again. Now then to shorten things up over the series Eiji and Ankh battle the greeds over the core medals becuase when 3 of the same type/color core medals are used in the OOOs driver it turns OOOs in to a full form based on the greed. (note: from here out is my opinion feel free to take it at any level this just me talking now)
Ok so then I'm honestly like Kamen Rider OOO becuase coins havent been used in Tokosatsu series seance Zyuranger (MMPR season 1). So yeah ill admit to this its hard to remember the greed names as well as all the core medals Ankh and Eiji have, but the series does feel right they way the set it, meaning that i feel the story perfectly fits Eiji and Ankh. But then now one major thing OOO has to many forms for real its hard to keep up lol. But on the upside the song each form gets does match it well. Ok so then on a scale of 1 to5 i would give Kamen Rider OOO a 4 i would give a reason for not giveing a 5 but it would spoil the series and i dont wanna do that.

Ok now then the next thing im wanting to get out of my system is something that is much fun to me lol. So i picked up a used copy of Fallout New Vegas.
OK so Fallout New Vegas is like the 5th game in the series even knowing its only the 4th but im willing to bet the next Fallout will be Fallout 4. Ok so i have yet to beat this game and have very little room to talk about this game atm. But i just what to get it out there that i have played New Vegas lol and am still playing. But yes i will say its much more improved from Fallout 3 the only thing i dont like is you gotta find great cover if you sit and heal in a fire fight becuase healing items dont just heal they take time or "survival" time to work. So yeah thats all i gotta say on this game at the moment ill probably will do a video reveiw of the game for both Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas with my opinions on the game.

So then now time for the last bit of fun news I do have plans on going to A-kon 22 to hang out with friends and see what kind of Gundam or other goodies i can get my hands on. i will have a camera i just need a person to edit my videos lol. Any how im gonna stop wasteing time here and go do some thing differnt now ...

Crimson Van Zero

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